English language

How to pronounce grass in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms supergrass
Type of squealer, blabber, betrayer, rat, informer
Type Words
Synonyms grass over
Type of spread over, cover

The owners decided to grass their property.
Type Words
Synonyms eatage, forage, pasturage, pasture
Type of fodder
Type Words
Synonyms betray, denounce, give away, rat, shit, shop, snitch, stag, tell on
Type of inform
Has types sell someone out
Type Words
Synonyms dope, gage, green goddess, locoweed, mary jane, pot, sens, sess, skunk, smoke, weed
Type of cannabis, marijuana, ganja, marihuana
Type Words
Synonyms gunter grass, gunter wilhelm grass
Type Words
Type of graze, pasture, crop
Type Words
Type of graminaceous plant, gramineous plant
Has types bunch grass, bunchgrass, bur grass, burgrass, canary grass, cenchrus tribuloides, cereal, cereal grass, cocksfoot, cockspur, cord grass, cordgrass, cortaderia richardii, cortaderia selloana, crab grass, crabgrass, creeping soft grass, cynodon dactylon, cynodon plectostachyum, dactylis glomerata, dallis grass, dallisgrass, devil grass, doob, drop-seed, dropseed, evergreen grass, false oat, feathertop, feathertop grass, fescue, fescue grass, festuca elatior, festuca ovina, field sandbur, finger grass, fountain grass, french rye, gardener's garters, giant star grass, goat grass, grama, grama grass, gramma, gramma grass, harding grass, hardinggrass, herd's grass, holcus lanatus, holcus mollis, knotgrass, kweek, lady's laces, lemon grass, lemongrass, love grass, lyme grass, meadow fescue, meadow grass, meadowgrass, midgrass, muhlenbergia schreberi, munj, munja, nimble will, nimblewill, orchard grass, pampas grass, paspalum, paspalum dilatatum, paspalum distichum, paspalum notatum, pennisetum ruppelii, pennisetum setaceum, pennistum villosum, phalaris aquatica, phalaris arundinacea, phalaris canariensis, phalaris tuberosa, phleum pratense, plume grass, plumed tussock, reed canary grass, reed grass, ribbon grass, rush-grass, rush grass, rye grass, ryegrass, saccharum bengalense, saccharum munja, sandbur, sandspur, aegilops triuncalis, sheep's fescue, sheep fescue, short-grass, shortgrass, silver grass, st. augustine grass, star grass, stenotaphrum secundatum, sword grass, tall-grass, tall meadow grass, tall oat grass, tallgrass, timothy, toe toe, toetoe, toowomba canary grass, velvet grass, wheat-grass, wheatgrass, wild rye, yorkshire fog, zoysia, scutch grass, andropogon furcatus, andropogon gerardii, arrhenatherum elatius, arundo richardii, bahama grass, bahia grass, bay grass, beach grass, bent, bent-grass, bent grass, bermuda grass, birdseed grass, blue grass, blue stem, bluegrass, bluestem, brome, bromegrass, broom grass, buchloe dactyloides, buffalo grass
Derivation grassy
Type Words
Type of shoot, pip, hit
Type Words
Type of unfold, open, spread, spread out

Examples of grass

Clean out any dead areas and replace with sod, plugs or overseed with rye grass.
From the news-journalonline.com
Four, six-passenger shuttles helped transport students from various grass areas.
From the news-journalonline.com
Crab grass may be evident in your lawn now, especially if it has been neglected.
From the dailyherald.com
Reach out to experts, both at the policy level as well as the grass-roots level.
From the cnn.com
Grass-roots NetworksThe best way to communicate is not a telephone or telegraph.
From the time.com
Sweep or blow grass clippings off the driveway or street and back into the lawn.
From the kansas.com
Geese eat grass around a ponds edge creating bare spots that cause bank erosion.
From the kansas.com
The kite popped into the air then turned on its head and slammed into the grass.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Clerc hit the speed button but Wilkinson had him lined up side-on and ate grass.
From the nzherald.co.nz
More examples
  • Narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay
  • Shoot down, of birds
  • Cover with grass; "The owners decided to grass their property"
  • German writer of novels and poetry and plays (born 1927)
  • Spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach
  • Supergrass: a police informer who implicates many people
  • Grasses, or more technically graminoids, are monocotyledonous, usually herbaceous plants with narrow leaves growing from the base. They include the "true grasses", of the Poaceae (or Gramineae) family, as well as the sedges (Cyperaceae) and the rushes (Juncaceae). ...
  • GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a free, open source geographical information system (GIS) capable of handling raster, topological vector, image processing, and graphic data.
  • Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life (1925) is a silent documentary film which follows a branch of the Bakhtiari tribe of Persia (today Iran) as they and their herds make their seasonal journey to better pastures. It is considered one of the earliest ethnographic documentary films. ...